Today, I'm going to show you how to get a real mascot of good luck and wealth, bearing the force of the correction is positive in the life of an owner, is clear with a setting. Be in permanent contact with the spell, the amulet, the man opens his strings of cash. This happens gradually, imperceptibly, but in the practice of magic, the result is important. And the results, under certain conditions, generally positive.

On the crescent of the moon make a talisman, which brings to life the man, the energy of success and prosperity. The night waits for no-not necessarily. You can do so at any time. To begin with, you need to sew the bag. Take any natural fabric. It offers rooms green, golden, red, and a shade of silver. If you decide to make you the mascot of the wealth, and a pocket sewing her own hands. Fill the bag, you can put all the components having an effect to attract the energy of money.
- It may be pieces of natural stones, having the property to attract wealth in the life of the man. Such as, for example, like the emerald, ruby, turquoise, coral, bloodstone, tiger eye, moon stone, opal.
- You can in this artifact brings wealth, put dry spell herbs: basil, mint, reed, jasmine, myrtle, sage, lemon verbena.
- The magnet, the red and the green of the feathers of birds, is also suitable as a filler material.
- Well, and, of course, money! The parts are not the smallest. The ticket can be placed, once again, not of small value. Sometimes, in these bags and put on their hair.
The visualization of the desired result works mascot to attract the necessary wealth. And at the end of magic, a riteof cash from the pocket and tied a gold ribbon of tape or the rope. Do not use the serenity. The magic amulet that attracts success and luck in business, like any other, needs to be recharged your energy. It will be more effective, you'll need it.
Financial mascot of the infinite richness of the silver with the profits
Each of us come from money. At different times, in different amounts. But, these are the guests to visit each of us. Obtained quite powerful talismans for the money and the wealth, of the money coming from the profits of their business. These are magnets, often use the experienced salespeople in their trade.
But, and having received the first paycheck on the new place of work, you can make such a fetish to attract the energy of good luck and profits. And that is particularly good, if the money you have more than expected. In advance, sew a bag of green velvet, and keep the root of red ginseng and the thread of wool. Earn money, take a ticket, wrap in it the root, and attach the red wool, yarn, place it in a bag, and store it in an isolated place. This powerful amulet of wealth to attract them into your family of money and luck in business.

You load the mascot of the wealth
The main meaning of cash mascot of Jupiter – wearing in the life of his owner luck in business and prosperity. Staff of the amulet of the luck in financial affairs use to get what they most need, and for most want: the money, the glory, the love. Strong artifact to help you discover and develop talent, get the protection. It may apply, and that the strong mascot for the accumulation of wealth. In addition, as the height of the mascot of Jupiter, you can use stones of this planet: amethyst, sapphire, tourmaline, turquoise, lapis-lazuli.
If you buy one ready-amulet of happiness, it must be cleaned from the outside of the energy and load. Then, I'll tell you how to recharge the mascot brings wealth and good fortune.
To trigger the cash from the mascot of Jupiter, you will need:
- purple or violet fabric
- purple candle
- incense or a feather of a bird
- violet or purple bowl with water
- purple or violet a bowl with earth, sand, or salt
Cover the table or purple fabric purple is the color of Jupiter. On the corners of the table, place the symbols of the four Elements:
- the candle (symbol of Fire),
- incense or a feather of a bird (symbol of Air),
- bowl with water (symbol of Water),
- the bowl with the dirt, sand, or salt (symbol of Earth).
The symbols of the elements must be placed on the sides of the table according to the parts of the light – fire on the eastern coast of the air to the west, the land to the south and water in the north. Your future magic, the mascot of wealth and happiness place in the center, among the symbols of the four elements. Relax, contemplating the symbols of the Elements, make money of the meditation, take advantage of natural energy and the power of your mascot.
This magical ritual of monetary charge mascot effective, however, it is only one of many ways of co-configuration. Wear charged at the silver amulet is always with you. You can always use, and you can choose, depending on the situation. If you will not always enjoy its strong amulet for the accumulation of wealth, keep him closed in a case.

Powerful talismans bring a wealth magic for success in business
Highlights of the talisman to attract success in financial affairs can become objects, plants, symbols, and signs. The nature of their origin can be anything. It may be old family relics, interesting discoveries, items bought in stores. And, of course, amulets, made with their own hands and enabled by yourself.
Something strong has the chance to become the mascot of the family brings the richness.
There is a classification of the mascots of the wealth. Powerful amulets to bring in the life of the man success in business, have a variety of direction of the action, in agreement with the fact, in what area are you most want to get luck and prosperity.
- If you have the desire to attract abundance in the house, effective working charms to attract wealth can become an aquarium, an artificial waterfall, or a fountain. And, as has been done in these disciplines, and their images.
- The cash position of the trees, the shape of the leaves that look like coins (krassula, jade), contribute to the financial participation of capital, profits and income are unexpected.
- The chinese, the mascot of the wealth and prosperity consider the fruit of the orange. Put the ripe fruit in a pretty dish, put on the table, and soon will come the money to your family. Your cash channel launch of the oranges – the beautiful and effective of the mascot of the wealth for the house and its inhabitants.
Vintage mascots of the success — the iron horse, a ladle and a key.
- The iron horse — This old amulet symbolizes the favor of the fortune of the family of the prosperity, the happiness, the abundance, the wealth.
- Ladle — This magical object is a powerful talisman for the accumulation of wealth, and symbolizes the abundance, the luxury, the most benefit, repurchases by the success of the event.
- The key Is the symbol of the protection of the wealth and its growth. As a magic talisman of wealth and happiness, you can wear it on itself, both directly to the key, and its image. The designs can be wear on the surface of the house: walls, doors, appliances, clothing casual. Frequent contact with the silver amulet has a positive effect on its effectiveness to attract the success of the company. If periodically to maintain in the hands of the mascot, making more time to render, fill it with positive energy, it will be more responsive, effective, and rather will have the desired effect.

Free charms and riches of her hands
Very well act sortilge amulets of luck and charms of the wealth, do it yourself (with his hands). All sorts of jewelry, pendants, key chains, figurines, have created their own hands the original, take on the energy of its owner, and already in the manufacturing process receive a programme of mobilization of the money and wealth of the man, the bearer of this talisman. This benefit you even made mascots of the wealth.
I would point out that the spell of the plots to attract the money can also be amulets, but not about verbal and. The word sorcerer strongly. By the power of its impact, it is fundamentally different from the words spoken lay. In a certain sense, magic, conspiracy is an amulet powerful attract money and wealth, the reinforcement of the intent and the visualization of a magician.